Tinkuy Values, Virtues and Character Skills

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Beliefs are what you think is true, and values are what you think is important.
— Adam Grant

In Tinkuy, we have three Core Values: Integrity, Community and Excellence.  To show up in the world being true to our values we build four Virtues: Boundaries, Enjoyment, Reliability and Generosity. Together, they form the acronym: ICEBERG

Taking cues from Adam Grant (Hidden Potential), we adopted these definitions: 

  • Values are what we think is most important. 

  • Virtues are character dispositions that encourage actions that are in accordance with our values and reason. 

  • Character is our capacity to prioritize our values over our instincts, specially when it is hard. 

Like in an iceberg, Values are the great, deep, invisible base underneath that supports everything else. They are not seen directly, but through our actions. Virtues are like the tip of the iceberg, they determine the specific way we practice our values and how we show up in the world. Virtue manifests when the response to emotions is just right, neither excessive nor deficient. If deficient, our iceberg will not be seen; if excessive, it will lose balance and tumble over. Character is what we are made of, the hard iced water inside the iceberg. If it is solid and strong, our iceberg will stand firm (in values and virtues) under the toughest conditions. 

As one solid piece of who we are, clear values and aligned virtues, filled with character, will lead us to be a better version of ourselves and live up to our potential.

Character skills

Character Skills are those specific abilities we develop to equip ourselves and etch our virtues in our character and uphold our values. We have chosen 12 Character Skills that intersect with our Virtues and Values. 

Character is your capacity to prioritize your values over your instincts.
— Adam Grant


We have chosen a symbol or totem to represent each character skill for what it symbolizes.

  • ASSERTIVENESS: Lion. Represents courage and the confidence to assert oneself. 

  • MINDFULNESS: Lotus Flower. Represents clarity and presence in the moment, aligned with the practice of mindfulness.

  • AGENCY: Boat. Represents the ability to navigate and direct one's own path, symbolizing personal agency.

  • VULNERABILITY: Heart. Represents openness and the courage to be true to oneself. Un corazón. 

  • TEMPERANCE: Deer. Symbolizes gentleness within a herd while maintaining personal space and boundaries, reflecting temperance in communal living.

  • LEADERSHIP: Wolf. Embodies the qualities of connection, protection, and thriving together, based on respect, experience and strength. 

  • COMPASSION: Dolphin. Represents empathy, connection, care and active support for others' well-being.

  • TRUSTWORTHINESS: Elephant. Represents loyalty and dependability to their herd and family. 

  • HARMONY: Yin yang. Embodies the concept of duality and harmony. 

  • RESILIENCE: Phoenix. Represents rising from the ashes and thriving after setbacks. 

  • GRIT: Crab. Represents adaptability and ability to move sideways to find their way around obstacles to reach long-term goals.

  • MENTORSHIP: Owl. Represents wisdom and the sharing of knowledge.







