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Inés Kudó, our founder, tells us about how Tinkuy Marka Academy came about. Sir Ken Robinson talks about how schools kill creativity. Scientist Sugata Mitra shares his vision for child-led education. Salman Khan tells how he created Khan Academy and why he thinks the classroom should be flipped: lessons at home, homework in the classroom. Martin Seligman talks about positive psychology and its connection to education. Take a closer look at the Acton Academy and AltSchool approach to discover how these ideas are put into practice. Listen to the testimony of Maria Teresa Chavez (Guatemala) about her experience of switching from a traditional school to Acton Academy, and her classmates, who tell "La ciudad de los libros" about how they learned to love reading at Acton (Spanish). In Austin, TX, middle-school students tell us about a day in the life of Acton Academy.
Below you have some articles describing Acton Academy and microschooling:
Opinion piece on Acton Academy Austin (Forbes)
Interesting article on AltSchool in The New Yorker.
This article from Education Week discusses “micro-schools” and mentions Acton Academy as a leader in the field: “Micro Schools” Could Be New Competition For Private K-12
Here three interviews on Peruvian media featuring Tinkuy Marka Academy:
¿Qué historia quieres contar de tu vida? Proyecto Tinkuy Marka (Revista Educacción).
Tinkuy Marka, alternativa al colegio (Publimetro).
Inés Kudo y la apuesta por una educación que permita encontrar la misión de vida (Mujeres Que Transforman).
Dive deep here if you want to find out if this is the education you want for your children. These books are available in Amazon Kindle, one click away. Start by reading the Acton Academy´s founder´s book Courage to Grow.